all the right pieces.
honor and celebrate where life happens.
With a deep love and gratitude for the people and places of Hawaiʻi, we believe good design doesn't have to begin with a blank canvas. Hawaiʻi is abundant in history, items that hold energy, and places with a connection to people who deserve to be honored. Why would that need to be destroyed? It is our privilege to elevate the experience of spaces with a fresh, thoughtful, and conscious approach we call reDesign.
Hi, I’m Dayna.
I’m Dayna Harris. I believe the history of homes of Hawaiʻi deserve to be honored, preserved, and renovated with care because every space has energy and a story.
Growing up in Kāneʻohe, my grandfather was my favorite person. He was a fixer, maker, tinkerer and perhaps a packrat…but he always had exactly the right piece and could breathe new life into what others would discard. He taught me how to build and use tools. He loved and supported me for the tenacious and outspoken girl I was, and still am.
Now, when I’m in a new space, I look at things through his eyes. I see the value, purpose, and possibility in how things are and how they could be with some tinkering. When I feel the energy of a piece or smell freshly cut wood, I remember his smile, patience, and charm.
For the last 20 years, I’ve worked in luxury retail merchandising, HVAC, construction management, and even as a paralegal. From stilettos to steel toed boots, my background and rich childhood has gifted me the language and vision to take on renovations with an eye for how things come together with beauty and ease. Coming from a legacy of hard working contractors and entrepreneurs, I’m a systems thinker born to optimize. Just like Grandpa, if you give me something that isn’t working or if you have no idea where to start, I can help reimagine the possibilities and turn it into something you’ll treasure.

making it sustainable.
Nature is the first place, our first home. If we want to create spaces that truly feel good, they need to be built in a sustainable way. How can we build with less waste? What can we repurpose rather than throw away? Where can we source materials that are luxurious, but not at the expense of others, human or otherwise? These are the questions reDesign Hawaiʻi integrates into its actions. Every project, every day.

Let’s talk story.
How can we support you in transforming your space?